Linda Andary

From her very beginnings, Linda processed her world by sharing her experiences through dance, artistic performance and visual arts. Linda’s insatiable curiosity steered her to question most traditional practices and push boundaries, which saw her travelling the world, knowledge-seeking, connecting with community, developing creative projects and sharing experience and knowledge gained along the way.

Linda studied the arts through schooling years, excelling in drama, dance, creative writing, visual art and the sciences.

In, 2001 Linda received a grant through the Country Arts SA‘s W.R.A.P.T, Mallee Project to mentor teenagers living in rural, remote, South Australia and choreographed a piece based on their perceived realities. The project led to collaborations with other artists, independent works and exploring other art creative mediums.

Growing up in the Riverland, Linda was encouraged and supported by Country Arts SA and her ongoing involvement with them saw her participating in the: Riverland Fringe Festival, Riverland Youth Theatre, Groundswell Arts Conference, Australian film Peaches working with Choreographer Leigh Warren and Rivereisteddfod as choreographer for 3 schools.

Linda completed a Bachelor of Dance Performance Degree in 2005 at the Adelaide Centre for the Arts. During her Study, Linda worked with local, international, world renowned and award-winning choreographers, namely: Michael Whaites, Xiao-Xiong Zhang (Taiwan), Peter Sheedy, Anton, Fiona Malone, Leigh Warren, Garry Stewart, Daniel Jaber, Larissa McGown, Dr Elizabeth Cameron Dalman and more.

A wonderfully rare opportunity to cross-pollinate with artists from various art forms was presented by AC Arts Hybrid Arts Workshop, in 2005. Successful in her application, Linda collaborated with musicians, actors, visual artists, lighting tech, sound tech and other performing artists to develop a new body of work.

Having performed and taught movement, dance and choreographed performances all over the Riverland, Adelaide and for independent organisations and communities, in 2004, whilst studying, Linda founded and ran her own dance school teaching ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, body conditioning and performance, in Loxton, regional South Australia.

In 2006, Linda enjoyed working with the Riverland Youth Theatre (RYT) as a resident dance tutor and choreographer.

In 2007 Linda commenced a Postgraduate in Journalism, seeking to share, in writing, human experiences provoked by artistic performance with a broader audience.

Linda moved to London in 2009 and studied fine art at Kensington Chelsea College. Linda’s visual arts pieces have been exhibited, commissioned and displayed all around Australia and London.

After returning to Australia, Linda worked in the area of injury management and rehabilitation and relationship liaison.

Since 2016, Linda has held weekly community meditation circles and facilitated wellness seminars and retreats.

Currently, Linda enjoys meditation, health and wellness facilitation, exploring visual arts, movement medicine and tutors one of Restless’s Community Outreach Classes, Junction. Junction is all about self-discovery through exploration of authentic and inspired movement, sharing, building confidence, relationship building and is a safe, all-inclusive space for creative self-expression.


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