We ended 2022 on a beautiful note hosting 29 Dong and The Korean Music Project for the final development of ‘Counterpoise’. Connecting in person after years on Zoom was a magical experience and also a demonstration of what ‘Counterpoise’ explores; what is our universal culture?; what are our similarities and our differences?; and connection. Despite language differences all creatives involved became so much closer by the end of development, all learning to speak a new language of expression together.
Counterpoise features dancers with and without disability from Restless Dance Theatre and 29동, and musicians from The Korean Music Project. Supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia-Korea Foundation, Arts Council Korea – ARKO, 한국문화예술위원회 and the University of South Australia the project is being captured for upcoming documentary Dancing Against the Odds, co-produced by Connect2Abilities. Take a look behind the scenes in this video.
Like us, 29Dong is a dance company for people with and without disability and their visit fell on International Day of People with Disability. This year’s theme for #IDPwD is ‘Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world‘ – very fitting for Counterpoise where innovation, technology, inclusivity and cross-cultural collaboration has been at the core of this show’s development!
Our hearts are full! Thank you to everyone involved.