The Day the Wrong Train Took Me to the Right Place is set on a moving train/tram. This immersive experience uses stories that follow the dancers lives from their homes to their intended destination exploring the social anxiety people with disability feel in the realm of public transport. Experiential and immersive work connects the audiences emotionally as the dancers share their unique experiences through dance theatre.
Artists with intellectual disability or neurodivergent think differently and see the world differently. Sometime however the world looks at them differently making assumption and judgements. The Day the Wrong Train Took Me to the Right Place challenges these perception by integrating diversity into public settings with the desire to embrace difference.
For the director Michelle Ryan, “As a creator who has worked with the Company dancers for over a decade, I often forget that the dancers may be viewed by the public differently. I am always surprised when people stare at the group (and myself as a wheelchair user). Why do people stare? Is it curiosity or trying to understand different elements of the human condition? How do you view difference in a public space? This provocation can be applied to a range of differences that are judged within our society.”