For 34 years, Restless Dance Theatre has been delivering dynamic dance classes in Adelaide. Now, we’re expanding across the state!

Interested in a Restless class near you? Express your interest HERE.

Ready to move, connect, and have fun? No experience? No worries! Whether it’s your first time dancing or you’re looking to refine your skills, our experienced tutors will guide you every step of the way. Everyone can access one FREE trial! 


Choose the class for you!

8 - 14 years


15 - 26 years


27+ years


About our Classes

Restless Dance Theatre Public Program is a range of weekly classes that cater to participants aged 8 to 65. Participants will discover their creative abilities and learn basic dance techniques. These classes involve creative movement exploration in a safe and fun environment where the participant’s ideas become dance. No experience is necessary, just the desire to take part. Classes nurture the creative voice of participants and encourage them to express themselves in an authentic ‘Restless’ fashion. The classes harness individuality and create a safe space for creative expression, focusing less on strict technique and competition.

Participating in Restless classes provides therapeutic benefits which encourage independence and inclusion. Participants gain confidence, life-long friendships and potential career pathways in the arts.

Book your FREE TRIAL today!



Classes are open to people with and without disability and are led by highly experienced tutors in an accessible space. We are a team of highly trained staff who are experienced in meeting any access needs. We create a safe space for participants and customise classes accordingly. Our studios use lower lighting, and sound is at a lower level for those with sensory issues. Our accessible venue has ample parking.

Our tutors can work with participants with both physical and intellectual disability, catering to those with mild to medium needs.

Restless Dance Theatre’s Public Program is proudly supported by Arts SA, BankSA Foundation, James & Diana Ramsay Foundation and Variety South Australia.

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