The Company comprises of 7 dancers living with disability, providing the core cast for Restless works. Restless dancers collaborate as equals with dancers, choreographers and creatives from local, national and international companies and are accorded the recognition from their peers. We empower our dancers. Their lived experience of disability informs the Restless work, with humour, warmth, and searing honesty. The work is defined by engagement with the dancers, and our commitment to showcasing humanity, emotion and individual experiences on stage and screen. Restless Dance Theatre is unique in its capacity to not only create high quality, original, artistically eloquent, and powerful works, but it also plays a vital role as a dance organisation that provides industry standard training for its dancers with disability, providing a professional dancer career pathway for those wishing to pursue a career in the arts.
“The unique dancers have created works that invite audiences to appreciate the talents of all who have contributed to it and enable audiences to view disability arts practice through a new lens.” – Virginia Hyam